Please keep the ball rolling by sending pink post cards, pink notes, pink labels whatever you have that's pink to your congressmen and senators who have voted pro illegal aliens. We're trying to get 12 to 20 million pink postcards or letters in the hands of our do-nothing elected officials in the month of January. You can send 4 postcards for $1.00. It might be the best $1.00 you ever spent -- and the most patriotic.
Merry Christmas and a Health, Happy, Pro-U.S. New Year.
Citizens Protecting Your Rights, P.O. Box 2413, Aurora, Il. 60507-2413 Phone: 630 373-1299
I saw this post and wondered how many of you will agree or participate with it?moto guzzi
The pink represents a ''pink slip'' like when you get fired from a job. Because many are not doing their job by not enforcing our laws and deserved to be fired. I'm doing it.
I saw this post and wondered how many of you will agree or participate with it?norton internet security 2008
Patriotic by who's standards.. yours? No thanks, I will pass on participating.
NO,it's a ripoff!!
Iam pro illegals going through due process, not free loading and skipping in line.
Are you suggesting that some congresspeople are ''pro-illegal alien?'' How bizarre. There are so many ways that this issue needs to be addressed, how can you tell if the Yea or Nay vote indicates that a congressperson indicates that they are for or against illegal immigration? If they didn't vote to build the border fence, for instance, could it be that they were absolutely appalled by the cost and stupidity of the project, as anti-illegal immigration as they might be?! What exactly are you trying to tell the Congress to do with these ridiculous postcards? They don't need to pass any new laws, just enforce the existing ones! It's not up to Congress to do that! Pink is a stupid color to associate with this issue anyway.
Do you have a link or something? This is the first I've heard of these people. I've sent letters and bricks and would certainly send 'pink post cards' if I thought it would do any good, but as I say, this is the first I've heard of it.
Why don't you just write to your congress person in an e-mail. What does a pink postcard have to do with anything?
chuck your ipod down the toilet where it belongs
I thought pink was supposed to represent breast cancer (sufferers, survivors and research). I resent pink being co-opted for another cause!
Get yer own friggin' color!
Sounds like an idea that the US Postal Service came up with, because they weren't shafting us enough on mailing our Christmas Cards.
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